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Acceptance of sender applications for access to the scrubbing mechanism began August 1, 2005. A fee is charged per contact point checked to cover the cost of maintaining the registry and enforcing the law. The fee is currently set at seven tenths of a cent ($0.007).
All senders must provide at least the following information before gaining access to the ProtectMIChild Registry compliance mechanism:
Legal Name (and d/b/a, if applicable)
Federal Tax Identification Number, Social Security Number, or Equivalent
Name(s) Used When Contacting the Public
Domain(s) Used When Contacting the Public
IP Addresses Used to Send Electronic Messages
Primary Contact Person (including name, title, address, telephone number, e-mail address and fax number)
Physical Address of Principal Place of Business (if different from address for primary contact person)
Nature of Business
Senders will be provided the tools they need in order to comply with the Michigan Children's Protection Registry Act. Because of the sensitive nature of both the state's list of children's addresses, as well as the sender's mailing lists, procedures are in place to ensure compliance through a double-blind mechanism.
Addresses in the ProtectMIChild Registry database are stored in a hashed format. Senders will need to hash their lists into a hashed format and transmit them to the ProtectMIChild Registry database for scrubbing. Because only hashes are transmitted, the security of a sender's list is preserved and its contents are never revealed to the state. It is not possible to download a copy of the state's database of hashed entries.
As soon as possible, a client application will be made available through the Protect MI Child Registry compliance website. The client application automatically hashes a sender's list, transmits the list to the ProtectMIChild Registry database, and receives the results back as a cleaned list. The first-generation client will run under Window 98 (SP1) and above with modest system requirements. The client requires an Internet connection in order to transmit the hashed list to the ProtectMIChild database.
Certain senders and Email Service Providers (ESPs) who meet security criteria established by the state will be allowed to interface directly with the ProtectMIChild Registry database without using the client application. An Application Program Interface (API) for this interaction will be made available to approved senders and ESPs. If you would like to apply for access to the API, please contact us and a ProtectMIChild staff member will be in touch with the requirements for enhanced access. A list of approved ESPs will be available for regulated senders through this website after August 1, 2005.
Any release to a third party of information concerning registered e-mail addresses or provide access to contact points or other information contained on the registry, even to facilitate a third party's compliance, is a violation of the act. ESPs facilitating compliance for multiple clients must establish an account and provide the information described above for each client.
Payment of the fee associated with compliance will be processed via electronic means such as Credit or Debit card. Access to the compliance mechanism will be restricted until sufficient funds are on deposit to cover the fee for the sender's particular list.
Listed below are links to the Acts that govern the Registry operations and the related administrative rules.