Welcome to ProtectMIChild, an official Michigan.gov website. This site uses adaptive technology. Instructions are provided within the: Accessibility  Policy. Skip Navigation
Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State
Department of State
Michigan Child Protection Registry Logo


STEP 1: Enter E-mail Addresses, Fax Numbers, Mobile Phone Numbers (SMS), or Instant Messenger IDs.

Enter one or more electronic addresses used by your household. Children are forbidden from purchasing certain products and services under Michigan law. Once an address is registered, senders of messages that advertise or link to prohibited products or services are required to remove the address from their sending lists within 30 days.

Next to each address, please list the birth month and year of the youngest child that may access or otherwise see contents sent to the listed address. Registrations remain active for three years or until the youngest child with access to the address reaches 18 years of age.
